Jon Stoski

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since Jan 10, 2015
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Recent posts by Jon Stoski

I think you are n the right track with the Weston Price diet, bone broths and veggies are excellent, along with saturated fats. Perhaps there are herbs that can target strengthening the spinal discs as well. This post by herbalist Jim MacDonald records his success with herbs:

"Along with chiropractic, I used the rather agonizing experience to figure out how best to treat this condition. I ended up blending together a formula with Solomon’s Seal, Mullein Root, Horsetail and Goldenseal to excellent results (I daresay…). This was created not so much as a pain reliever, but to restore strength and integrity to the disc itself. To address the attendant muscle spasms (which were the worst part, in terms of outright agony), I used a combination of Black Cohosh and Arnica tinctures, taken in frequent small doses to help ease the sensitivity & reactivity of the muscles. The results were excellent. I could literally feel the disc growing stronger and the muscles relearning how to be relaxed. "

I myself have not tried this remedy, as I am lucky enough to have a healthy back at the moment. I will be trying it out once I can find the plants in my neighborhood, I may end up growing them as Mullein is not difficult at all. The neighbors would get upset if I started cultivating Horsetail, though, it's impossible to get rid of! I will post my own results then.
8 years ago
Oops, sorry, I thought it was weird that the last post was six days ago. I need to learn how to switch pages, <next> will probably clear that up for me. <embarrassed>
I'm not sure why, I'm not able to edit my own post either.
9 years ago
Update? Sorry to hear you're feeling broken. I thought of Mullien root, not a common remedy, but has some precedence:
Specifically for back pain and misalignment. I don't know if mullien is common in Missoula though. Also advise the chiropractor. Anyways, hope you're up and around soon.
9 years ago
My first impression is "awesome!" This is a hard cover book with 34 pages of full color illustrations. When I say full color, I mean full color as a rainbow of colors coming blazing off the page! As you open the book, the author's introductory comments greet you, giving a brief and thought-provoking discussion of why botany is much better taught as a game, or couched in a children's book as a subversive attempt to entice readers to stop ignoring, and to start exploring, Nature.

I found the beginning of the the story a little hard to decipher. It starts with the beginning of time and the evolution of life on earth. Father Sun and Mother Moon love their little Earth child, and watch as it evolves. The process of evolution is described as a bubbling soup, out of which come all sorts of animals and complexity of life. Then, time becomes rain, and all life becomes a Great Tree which is submerged in the growing ocean of time, and only the tips of the branches of the Great Tree are above water, which are islands which represent the different families of plants. So you have to use your imagination. It is an interesting blend of the figurative and the factual for us to enjoy.

Once the stage is set, we meet Shanleya, and the story really begins. Shanleya is a young girl sent on a coming-of-age journey by her grandfather, to learn the secrets of the plants that provide food and medicine. It is easy to become immersed in Shanleya's world, following her canoe-paddling adventures though the eight different plant family "islands" which are presented in this book. I was surprised how easily the story flowed from one page to the next, full of little memory tricks to recognize and remember the different plants with which we come into contact with daily: herbs, vegetables, spices, flowers, bulbs, grasses, fruits, and seeds!

The science-y terms used in the book are few; even monocot and dicot are not that intimidating when they are used as the names for oceans on Shanleya's map, ie: the Dicotyledon Sea and the Monocotyledon Sea. In this way, facts are cunningly placed in the memory and, reinforced through repetition, create a learning experience without being tedious or boring. This is an inspired way to learn, especially in the field of botany where there are so many plants, and more discovered all the time.

Overall a very enjoyable book, a little treasure of tricks and techniques to recognize and remember eight of the largest plant families, presented in a manner that is roaring not snoring, AND with lots of very colorful and imaginative illustrations to reinforce the story. I give it 9.7 acorns out of ten.
9 years ago
I would still like to do a review of this book! I am on the book review list now, there was a bit of a technological misconnection there but it's alright now. Still available?
9 years ago
I wrote a review some time back, posted it in the comments of this page
Hope to be able to get on the book review list..
9 years ago
I can do a review, I have a niece and nephew that would benefit from this, and me included!
9 years ago
Pied piper of permaculture