Kathy Duncan

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since Jan 25, 2015
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That is very good to know! I had only considered reducing the racket; I didn't even think of terminating toxins. Thank you, I will incorporated fungal filters into the design.
10 years ago
Thank you for your responses; I value them both. I would be looking at about 10 feet high but would like to plant the ridge (if that is what it is called) to plant evergreen shrubs or something. I do not know about fungal filters, I looked it up elsewhere on the site but don't understand how it applies to Hugelkulture. I am still figuring out how to navigate this site so thank you for your assistance in moving my question to a larger forum.
10 years ago
Already signed up.
10 years ago
Hello, I recently bought a property close to train tracks that has more traffic than I was led to believe. I am looking into hugelkultur as a means to reduce noise and increase harvest. Part of the property is forest which hasn't been looked after. There is a lot of dead White Pine in the woods to be removed. Would this be ok to use as a foundation for the hugelkultur bed and what be a good height/depth ratio? I am grateful for any information on things I haven't thought of as well.
10 years ago