M.D. Wilson

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since Apr 26, 2015
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I hope this is the correct forum in which to make this posting!!
Are there articles/books to read...people to talk to...etc...about how to develop an ethical work trader/live-in volunteer opportunity for our farmstead ...and how to identify an ethically based work trader “host” opportunity??
I read so many different interpretations of what is acceptable by hosts on HELPx, Workaway, WWOOF, etc...
Questions like—how many hours/day is an acceptable requirement for various combinations such as the host provides doesn’t provide:
lodging and all food/amenities;  lodging and no food; all food but no lodging; a stipend (how much/week?) for food with either lodging or no lodging; the volunteer provides their own lodging and food—the host only provides utilities hookups, possibly access to kitchen, bathhouse...etc!!
The host providing a toilet is a given!!...but what about a shower facility, free WIFI/utilities and laundry/kitchen use??
I have first hand experience in work trader situations like all of the above!!  Having to pay to use WIFI...laundry...providing most of my food...etc...and still being asked to work 5-6 hrs/day for the “host” enterprise!!
Of course...I and all other volunteers can CHOOSE for which host we want to temporarily hitch our wagons to!!...I want to educate myself as a work trader to identify opportunities where I’d risk being TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF!!...and also learn how to be an ethical “host” to work traders myself!!
I’ve never yet been a “host”...so perhaps just investigating the work trader “host” sites for guidelines is the answer??
4 years ago
Check out lightning ranch near Abilene.
4 years ago
Oki doki on the NO gypsymaja.
Yes, please...I want to change the “SWF...blah blah blah”....
...and still haven’t been able to change my m.d.wilson profile name to gypsymaja.
Yes...change my thread “heading”...
Technology challenged...how do I update the “blurb” displayed on my online profile??...it currently says something like SWF-66yrs...etc
Greetings Craig!!...hoping to hear your story!!...purplemooseage when you can...Denise
4 years ago
Denise ra...also...the family outside of chickasha has extensive earthworks on their property!!...worth a visit there!!
4 years ago
Denise ra...this fellow in OK City was very helpful for me...he might be able to connect you with folks in your area....
Kevin Mink
Urban Soil Health Specialist
ISA Certified Arborist
Oklahoma County Conservation District
4850 N. Lincoln Blvd. Ste. B
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(o) 405-415-4600
(c) 570-856-2314
4 years ago