W. Star

aka Wranglerstar
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since Dec 14, 2015
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Recent posts by W. Star

We sold it - getting to be too expensive to be worth it. Thanks for you support!
9 years ago
Edit on a used macbook pro; use final cut pro; use a canon 70D; lens is an 18-55; canon 24-70; rhode video mic pro shotgun; rhode prolink wireless; for lighting roto light led;and a whole bunch of manfrotto tripods and ballheads, and a sony action cam as well as my iPhone 6 . This is 8 years of doing Youtube - started with my PC; corel software and a flip camera....have upgraded slowly. Just moved to mac this year as a friend was getting rid of her computer. Started with macbook pro only 6 months ago....the canon about 6 months ago too. It was time to up my game a little. iMovie is great if you are just starting out.
9 years ago
Thank you so much for hosting us Permies.com. I'm sure that we will be back when we start planning some of our next projects. We've learned a ton. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Until we "meet" again. Cody and MrsW
9 years ago
Thank you. I'm self-taught. I do all of the editing. MrsW and Jack help with a little bit of videoing but I do about 95% of it with tripod use. It is more than a full-time job but I get to work from home and I love it.
9 years ago
Glad they are working out so well for you and your littles. I'd love to do that with Jack in the future. MrsW
9 years ago
Time and money....someone has to take care of the animals when we are gone and we already feel like we are pushing the limits of neighborly kindness and/or housesitters (depending on how long we are gone) to take care of our 3 animals. Plus we all are busy enough. Animals take time - even chickens. Money - to fence, to prepare a place warm enough for zone 3, a few years ago there was about 8 feet of snow here so shelters need to be more than a flimsy coop, etc.

We WANT animals but they haven't moved up on the time/money priority list yet. Taking care of cross-cut saws is easier

9 years ago
Thanks. We learn as we go and do the best we can with limited time, finances, equipment. We'd love to just chip evertgubg but it isn't realistic for us and do have to do something with SO MUCH brush and trees. Much healthier forest now. We could literally pull out trees that were up to 4 inches in diameter because the roots were all dead they were so closely packed together! Plus the slash left!

Warm regards,

9 years ago
Thanks Guerric. Sometimes moving or chipping brush is difficult at best....and near impossible so burning is a feasible option. What you wrote makes sense. mrsW
9 years ago
First, buy your son light-weight used tools so he doesn't steal yours (speaking from experience here - toy tools were never good enough). We love the Brown-E too.

I'm guessing with your background you might better know how many acres you might need to support the animals you may want. Then add on orchard, garden and forest land. If you choose to heat with wood, you'll need to find out the wood most prevalent in that area and estimate amount you'll need each year (depends on stove, weather, house size) - then determine how many acres can sustain taking wood annually (calculators online for this)...unless you plan to get wood elsewhere. Look at soil type - what it was used for previously and what you want to do with it to see if they align or if you can build the soil back up. Aspect - planting on north or south side, etc. Slope - flat useful land or rugged terrain. Ignoring the animal possibility, you will likely need less land than you think. You can plant densely. Lots of land = lots of work. Smaller plot = less need for larger (more expensive) tractors, etc, less fencing, less management. Generally can equal less cost as well. Of course, if you want privacy you might want more land. Water - well, pond, rivers. Water is useful and soothing. It was one of the mandatory items on our list. Check into water rights and if you need them for what you want to do. There are often exemptions for personal use but depending upon how many acres you irrigate or animals you want to water, you may need water rights. Some places they come with property and others they don't.

Hope it goes well for you!

9 years ago