Neal McSpadden

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Paul Wheaton drives to Ernie and Erica Wisner‘s house in the Okanagan Highlands to look at their new innovations in rocket mass heaters. Paul talks about the people who help out at, and how they are also helping themselves. He makes a few mentions of husp (Horticulture of the United States of Pocahantas). Paul talks about building community and a reputation at, and how it can serve you. Paul talks about Jenny Pell from, and how you can submit a business plan to stay on the piece of land she is setting up. Paul talks about scoring deals on land, and yet being careful of the details before you commit. Paul talks about the benefits of starting with an intentional community. Paul is working on finding land. Paul talks about getting to know your land before you decide what your business plan will be. Paul talks about his future [ur=]Paul Wheaton community[/url], and how he would like people who come and participate to have listened to all of the electricity and plumbing. Paul shares about his Learn German-ish podcasts with Susanne Schneider. Paul encourages people to sign up for his daily-ish email. Paul talks about railroad ties, and how toxic they are. Paul talks about growing trees from seed.

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Making the Big Bucks with Permaculture

For many people, thinking green and exerting effort in order to help Mother Earth is not really a good way to earn money. That, however, is a thing of the past.

Paul Wheaton, one of the leading figures when it comes to permaculture, would be holding a talk on Petaluma Seed Bank located at Petaluma, CA this coming Sunday, September 2nd. The said talk will focus on how to make money with permaculture.

Aside from his devotion to permaculture, Paul Wheaton is also into software engineering. To date, he is the site owner and moderator of as well as CodeRanch, an online site dedicated to software programmers who would like to know more about computer programming., on the other hand, is the largest online resource for anything and everything about permaculture.

For most people, permaculture is nothing more than a movement to take care of the environment. In truth, however, permaculture is more than that. Permaculture, considered to be a branch of such niches as ecological design as well as ecological engineering, rests on three tenets or principles: taking care of the earth, taking care of the people around, and sharing the surplus. Its most practical application can be found in rainwater harvesting as well as sheet mulching.

As part of landscaping, permaculture can be used by many artists and creative people in order to make money. With permaculture, they would be able to maximize the use of one element without doing more harm to the environment.

For those who are interested in hearing more about permaculture, visit, a site being handled by Paul Wheaton for individuals out to make a difference. You can also listen recordings of his previous talks at under the permaculture category.



WHAT: Making Big Bucks with Permaculture

WHERE: Petaluma Seed Bank
199 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma, CA 94952

WHEN: Sunday, September 2, 26, 6:30 p.m.

HOW: Open to the public

I'm trying to think of a way to say this without sounding like a jerk.

You should probably know that since the SEC hasn't formulated rules for registering crowdsourcing funding portals that you could be charged with securities fraud.
12 years ago

Jacob blogs about the trouble of dealing with people more than 2 steps below him on the scale.

I thought it was a pretty interesting view.
12 years ago
Craig, I think what you to drew there was brilliant. I really like the idea of routing animal heat up to the plant and combining that with the rock storage.
12 years ago

Integrating Animals in Permaculture Systems
Wednesday, September 5th

Santa Barabara Public Library
Faulkner Gallery
40 E. Anapamu St.
$5 Suggested Donation

Join permaculture teacher and designer, Paul Wheaton, for an evening talk that will give insight into Integrating Animals in Permaculture Systems. Permaculture offers powerful tools for the design of renerative systems, with fair ways to provide food, energy, and human livelihoods while sharing the planet with the rest of nature.

With every type of animal system, from chickens to turkeys, goats to cattle, Paul focuses on (among other things):

* the most healthy way to grow each breed according to its unique needs
* how to grow all or most of their feed
* minimizing predator problems
* how properly managed livestock and integrated animal systems enhances your other "growies"

Event sponsored by: SB Permaculture Network
Event co-sponsor: Surfers Without Borders

More info:

Paul Wheaton is the tyrannical ruler of two on-line communities, one about permaculture - "" (the net's largest permaculture site), and the other about software engineering. Paul also regularly uploads permaculture videos and podcasts. In his spare time, Paul has plans for world domination and is currently shopping for a hollowed out volcano in the Missoula area, with good submarine access.

I don't know if this is really an answer to your question, but on my 1/4 acre lot I am creating the swales first. Then I'm planting on the berms and structuring everything around that swale shape in the land.
12 years ago

Leading Permaculture Expert Paul Wheaton
Hosts Unforgettable Sepp Holzer Movie

Aug. 26, 2012 – BEAVERTON, OR – Farmers, gardeners, and anyone wanting to lead a more “eco” life will be excited because Paul Wheaton, one of the leading figures in the permaculture movement, will be hosting a night of dynamic growth and inspiration with a movie screening of permaculture farmer, author and international consultant for natural agriculture, Sepp Holzer followed by Q&A sessions with the audience.

Wheaton, from Missoula, Montana, founded the website, which has since grown to be the largest permaculture site on the Internet. Lately, Wheaton has become known as “the light bulb guy,” due to his passionate rants and even a recent, fully-funded Kickstarter campaign exposing the ‘greenwashing’ of compact fluorescent light bulbs.

RSVP now at Oregon Urban Farming Collective


WHAT: Farming with Nature, Aquaculture, and Terraces & Raised Beds with Sepp Holzer.

WHERE: Ludemans Farm & Garden Center
12675 SW Canyon Road, Beaverton, OR 97005

WHEN: Sunday, August 26, 5:30 p.m.

HOW: Open to the public - $15 suggested donation per person

About Paul Wheaton

Paul Wheaton is a passionate advocate of permaculture. He has written several permaculture articles starting with one on organic lawn care that he presented at the MUD (Missoula Urban Demonstration) Project 17 years ago and includes articles on raising chickens, using cast iron skillets for cooking and diatomaceous earth. Paul also regularly uploads permaculture videos with over 5 million views and permaculture podcasts. In his spare time, he has plans for world domination and is currently shopping for a hollowed out volcano in the Missoula area with good submarine access. Visit his website at
It is appealing in a lot of ways. But how do you keep a yurt warm when we get two weeks of ice storms like last year? Maybe if you had a RMH in each new location that could work.
12 years ago