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Ryan DeMaal

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since Jul 24, 2021
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Cuernavaca, Mexico
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Recent posts by Ryan DeMaal

I used camouflage nets from the surplus store - heavy, but last forever and sometimes cheap to get. They come in various types of weight, size, color and shapes.
6 months ago
Belgian Girls from Mexico living in German now...Gaia and Hella
7 months ago
Hi, I'm selling an old farmhouse in North Bavaria, Germany from 1742. It is located in a beautiful setting close to a nature reserve with big forest, the next small city with all amenities is about 6 miles away. You can get there via a bicycle path. Over the last 10 years I was planting many fruit and nut trees, trying to start a food forest with silvopasture. The main land is enclosed with 6" wire fence to protect against rabbits, deers and wild boar. The main house needs a complete modernisation. Existing outbuildings for chickens, goats and pigs. The big barn is build in 1990. Two root cellars. High speed connection thru fibre.
Plus it comes with a 6.5t digger, tools and some furniture...price US$260.000 or in equivalent Euros.
The reason for selling - otherwise I would have kept it - I'm now living in Mexico.
Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Thank you for the recommendations, I'll look into it. Sorry for the late reply, but currently I'm in Europe - seed hunting...
2 years ago

does anyone have a good online site for buying plants and seeds in Mexico?
I live in Cuernavaca, the city of eternal spring - or there is here a good nursery locally?

Any suggestions would be great!!! Because US companies don't ship to here.

I ordered once from here - but it turned out to be a scam and only steal your money - the site is down now.

3 years ago