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Morgan Elizabeth

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since Feb 18, 2016
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I'm new but i like the site so far.

Back in may we started cleaning up 20acres we got on lease which we are buying this year. i must say the previous couples owners did not have any inclination to fix or keep up anything. Basically if it touched the ground it stayed there, they were also hoarders in a sense and fairly lazy. So we had to clean the place up from may 2015 to july 2015 before we could move on to the property. We put in a garden, cleaned out the barn, moved our goats, sheep, horse, rabbits, ducks, guineas, chickens, quail, and pheasant onto the property. We have some great plans for the property everything from cold hardy kiwi to a full blown orchard. We have since gotten pigs as well and plan on getting geese this spring, hopefully sebastol geese.

We have a huge barn, one of the 5 biggest "old style" barn in the county, a nice grainery, a two car garage with a machine shed on the back for tractors and equipment, and a guest house with fire damage. Basically everything needs major work or repairs. But we got the place for a steal and we are young so now is the time to do this kind of thing. The property also came with 4 apple trees that look like they have not been pruned in at least 10yrs but still made really excellent crops so much we couldnt even use 75% of it this year. So we will be pruning those trees this month and putting oil on them since we did have worm problem last year.
8 years ago