Karl Trepka

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since Jul 03, 2016
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Any plastic container will do provided its vermin proof and retains moisture. Unless timber is lined with plastic, it is far too difficult to keep moist enough. Most people DO NOT keep their worms moist enough to promote breeding.
The trick with those tiny retail farms is to take off drain tap ( keep OPEN) all the time and use the bottom “water tank” as just another tray/level.

I recently started using shredded cardboard with a little coco mixed through.

Depth needs to be 300mm but I have  European night crawlers so plan for 400mm. Surface area is the most critical factor that determines final population you can have.

Vents are also VERY important for evaporation to keep the worms cool in summer.

Photos. White threads on black cloth are hatchlings, Bottom of plastic dog house, kiddy shell pools, retail w/farms, scavenged bath to be converted.

Do not use crushed rock in base for drainage, this is crazy. Grated vertical panels may work. Otherwise, just fluff it up now and then.
2 months ago
i just discovered hybrid Bana grass (aka hybrid Napier grass) this is my fav non legume biomass plant at the moment.

still searching for a perfect nitrogen fixer for temperate climate.


8 months ago
Looking for a naturally branching rather than one stalk variety of okra. anything similar to Heavy hitter would be great.

Preferably not a dwarfing type.

Here is a short list of what i have to swap or let me know what you are looking for.

Potato onions (bunching onion) seeds and bulbs
Lagos spinach
Ashwaganda (tonic herb)
Korean chilli (kim chi type)
Sweet potato various heirloom varieties
Mother of all hebs (cutting)
Indian Lettuce (6ft summer/heat)
Bana Grass (biomass and soil improvement)
Runner bean
Figs heirloom Greek varieties
True potato seed diploid and tetrapliods

8 months ago
Hi David,

No problem with the budwood usually i graft in spring about oct we can touch base Sept to make arrangements. A word of warning they are very hard to graft and best to graft trees that are in the ground with lots of vigour.

That is a old post and have been experimenting with air layering with good success. I may have all three varieties in spring fingers cross. I'm giving them away for cost of postage/free on the agreement you "pay it forward" and sell, share or trade them so they are not lost.

Here is the link to my latest post on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xjdH4z36KxFpdpvY/

8 months ago
Carob Scion/budwood of heirloom varieties
Hi all,

The grafts I did a few years back are ready to share so if you are keen let me know.
Scion will be supplied for the cost of postage on the agreement you “pay it forward” and sell/share or barter the varieties so they are not lost to the permies.

Grafting carob is not easy but a few precautions will get you fair results

If your grafts fail, let me know and we can try again or try another option.

I'm located SE of Melbourne Australia. so can't post o/s

Varieties are:
SFAX (female)
CASUDA (female)
CLIFFORD (hermaphrodite)

1 year ago

I'm in Australia and looking for Manihot Grahamii (Hardy Tapioca) either stem cuttings or seeds.

It looks similar too Cassava which it is related.

It may be a weed in the northern parts of OZ or maybe an ornamental.

Happy to buy of swap .........have cassava varieties.

Plan to use it as rootstock for grafting cassava.


Is anyone in Australia growing named varieties of carobs?

I have access to Clifford and two local Hermaphrodites .

Please let me know as i'm looking for bud wood for grafting.

The pic is of a local Hermaphrodite.

5 years ago
sorry no updates the two trees near me are very good with one being a good keeper
5 years ago
Hi all,

Anyone in Australia who has a named variety of carob....say Sfax or another female?

I have a pod producing tree i'm fairly sure is a hermaphrodite and can do a straight swap?

here are a few pics of the tree.

5 years ago
Hi I know the feeling will be updating soon once i plant my tomatoes and sweet potatoes, i'm soooo behind this year
7 years ago