Trevor Stewart

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since Oct 02, 2016
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The veined flower petals say its wild radish. The real defining characteristics that can be used to tell radish and mustards are the seed pods.If you let it grow, watch for those.
8 years ago
My experience growing melons on both the wet and dry tropical conditions (Hawaii) was the vines grew well but every fruit was killed by a fly. You could see right where they'd leave a puncture wound and the fruit would fail to form.
8 years ago
It could very well be a self pollinator. There are many mustards in California that are naturalized invasives from around the world.

That strain is very common in northern California, many consider it a weed. What region are you in?

My second guess is also wild radish.
8 years ago
No decisions have been made as of yet, but I'm very encouraged by all those who have responded in such a short period of Tim
8 years ago