Trent Speedwell

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since Jul 17, 2017
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Recent posts by Trent Speedwell

Well, I just left them in my backroom for the week and they got nice and sweet.
Some of the smaller ones got cracks and dried out a bit but they were still fine.
5 years ago
I just dug up one of my yacon plants, and they're not sweet like the tubers I've bought.
I know there's an aging process that makes them sweeter but I don't know what that entails.

Do you store them somewhere dry or humid, light or dark, and what temperature, airflow or no airflow?

should the crowns be removed from the stems for storage until next season, and can they be stored in dirt like you'd store sunchokes?

thanks for any help.
5 years ago
Who's bought from, and what did you think of the experience?
They have really good prices on some tubers/roots I want to buy.
But there are only 6 reviews (4 bad) (and one positive youtube video) I've been able to track down, which leaves me a little apprehensive or ordering.

Thanks for any help.

5 years ago
There are some weeping mulberry trees by me that I can take cuttings off of, they're nice because most of the berries are protected from bird predation, unlike my dwarf mulberries.
I've read that weeping mulberries are a regular mulberry with a weeping mulberry grafted onto it.

What do they do if they're not grafted to a root stock just sprawl on the ground like a limp noodle or do they grow a trunk?
7 years ago
The first thing to do is try and minimize or eliminate their food supply, compost, garbage, pet/livestock food, unused produce.

I've found staking something they like to eat (mine like apples) to the ground with a light shining on it so you can see them at night and then waiting and shooting them with an airrifle does the trick, though this may not be practical or legal in certain jurisdictions.
7 years ago
I live in Portland OR, I have 3 varieties and none of them flower that much so at least here they're not a good bee plant.

7 years ago