Brian James wrote:
Logan Keister wrote:I'll admit, I've been stalking this thread as a guest to the permies forum up until about a week ago, when I got my account. Did you ever decide on a price for these kits?
Hi Logan,
I'll be honest, between the 8 days I spent in NC with the rocket heater builds there and other yravel this month, I've just gotten around to a detailed cost analysis in the last couple days. Because of the price of these big blocks, and using the more expensive 2600degree HS (High strength) insulating fire brick ("IFB") plus the high cost of ceramic fiber insulation board insulation, plus my time to hand make each of these, the introductory price for a 6' batch box left or right sidewinder port or rear port design, with a simple ceramic board box expansion chamber/riser that will word with any of these configurations, will be $349 plus shipping. I still have to package a shippable core kit and take it to UPS to get a weight and typical shipping prices.
An 8" shippable core will be available February 1, 2017. It will be more in proportion to the much larger firebox.
A 6" double shoe box configuration will be available in the coming months as the results come in on the design. That configuration is still experimental.
I'l also make whole individual IFB 24"x9"x2.5" or 3" slabs and individual sheets of different thickness of ceramic fiber board available, as well as the stainless steel secondary air flanges and tubes, in the near future.
(I'm still working on the website with my web designer and we still hope to have a basic website and eBay store online January1, 2018, but that depends on his availability over these holidays, so it could be delayed a week or two.)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
The shippable core will be similar to the fire box below, with 2600HS sides and 1" ceramic fiber board roof, a 1" ceramic fiber board floor with a secondary air recess between two sheet metal plates, but with a short stainless steel secondary air delivery tube like in the second photo. The purchaser will need to line the firebox floor, either with flat dense firebrick splits, or with angled fire bricks like in PvdB's illustrations: