Caroline Rusher

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since Jan 30, 2018
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Recent posts by Caroline Rusher

Omg that would be awesome! I live in Ft Myers area, where is your Dad's property? Maybe I could drive there if its not too far.

6 years ago
Hi there,

I am new to this forum and permaculture, so please if I say anything wrong, be patient with me!
I am looking to start a somewhat harvestable Kratom tree farm, and would like to also incorporate a food forest type environment. We are looking at a property that is currently an abandonded palm tree farm. There is no irrigation and the previous owners bought a year ago and have no idea how long since they have been fertilized etc.
So the two options are put in drip irrigation, only plant kratom trees on the 22 acres, or create some sort of food forest along with the kratom trees.

A little about my background, I own two kava bars, hence the kratom farm. I understand it most likely wont be a cash crop so much as getting our peeps to be able to see, touch and feel the plants that have given so much to all of us. Eventually I would like to incorporate kava as well. To me, the return to plant medicine and nature is so important for our society and I want to be a part of it. So essentially if I could create a place where people could gather and eat from nature, be it fruits or medicinal plants that is my dream. Because most of society never even sees where their food comes from. I want to change that. Anyways I also have zero experience in any of this, and yes the idea is to hire someone who does! but for now more of a research phase.

Does anybody have any experience growing Kava or Kratom in food forest or conventionally in southern Florida?

Thank you!
7 years ago
What type of kratom tree? I am looking at starting somewhat of a harvestable kratom farm in south central florida. Can you give me some tips on how it thrived? Also can you get me some cuttings if its a harvestable tree? I can pay you for them.
7 years ago