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Casawndreale Wohler

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since Feb 14, 2018
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We are a married couple in our early 40's..He is ex military and I am a retired nurse. We are looking to go off grid But are having a hard time finding affordable land. Interested in communities..hard working and honest..
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Recent posts by Casawndreale Wohler

Hello, my name is Cass and my husband Travis and I have been searching for ways and opportunities to become homesteaders. He is ex military and I am a retired nurse.  We are looking for quiet peaceful locations where we can enjoy life and work to make it what we want..we are both in our early 40's and would love to speak to you about this opportunity..thank you..785.541.1481 or
6 years ago
My husband is ex military and I am a retired nurse..looking to be apart of a I'm sure you know he has excellent survival skills and I'm a professional homemaker, lol..just want to get away from drama and begin our lives peacefully.
6 years ago
We are very interested..ex army and retired nurse..excellent  survival and homesteading skills, just don't have the property..Wanting to go off grid..please contact us if this opportunity is still available..thank you.
6 years ago
Early 40's married couple..ex military and I am a retired children but excellent survival and homemaking skills..please respond if interested
6 years ago