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Rose Thurston

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since Dec 10, 2018
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Thank you for those ideas, especially the flax that may work best but will also look at some of the more waxy leaves varieties too. They are violent people so not the sort of folk you can be reasonable with sadly, will likely end up in jail shortly, until then we shall plant a tough hedge
6 years ago
It may be possible to try and raise the fence a bit but it would be an obvious move to make (she tries to discreetly not offend). We are not sure if it was deliberate, they just sprayed heavily on their side and it leaked under into the soil, there was some drift though as other parts of her garden were damaged too, they have nothing alive on their side of the fence. Seems only the Blackberries don't mind it.

Perhaps a small variety in the pine family may be an option, I will have a look at what is available, thanks for that.
6 years ago

I am looking for a plant which is a bit resistant to herbicides which could be used as a hedge. My mothers property has some highly unpleasant, drug cooking and doing neighbors to one side, she has a large fence which she had planted climbing roses all over but is currently heartbroken as they have all been killed by said neighbors via herbicides. She is not in the financial position to move sadly (and her property is lovely) so I suggested a hedge to help screen her out further, I know some plants are more sturdy against poisons, we would plant them a bit away from the fence line so they wouldn't be as vulnerable as the roses were but still need to be tough. We live on the west coast of New Zealand and her property gets very cold and wet over winter so it has to be something that can endure that.

Any suggestions?
6 years ago