Missa Earthwalker

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since Jan 17, 2019
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Recent posts by Missa Earthwalker

Are you still looking for help in Longview?
6 years ago
Hi there.  I am new to this site and very thrilled to have found it!
I am looking for a few acres near Banks Or to rent to buy or lease for 50 yrs at a low rate.  I also would love to barter for it.  I am an herbalist, nutritionist, qi gong master, Body Listener, organic gardener, dog and horse trainer using intuition and listening.  I prefer woods with pasture.  My plan is to live off grid with tree house and yurt.  I would love any information.  It would be a true blessing to find something such as this.  I work in Banks for a company and also for myself until I only have to work for myself.  My children are grown and have children of their own so it is myself and my two border collies and their cat.  Sweet animals and gentle.  Thank you for being here.  I look forward to hearing from anyone.  Looking forward to reading more on this site.  
6 years ago