Laurel Bishop

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since Apr 18, 2020
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Recent posts by Laurel Bishop

Your journey was inspiring to me, Randy.  Appreciate your sharing.  
4 weeks ago
Hello Folks, does anyone know if DE will work on mice?  I've gotta real problem with 'em . . . .  
4 years ago
I love perennial veggies - currently I'm growing asparagus in a hugelkulture bed.  Don't need to weed it much, just put in some wood ashes every spring.  Rhubarb is another plant that really thrives here in So. Oregon - very hardy.  Lovin' all this fab info I get on Permies - thank you!~  
4 years ago
That's super, Jeremy - I'll watch it!  
4 years ago
Thank you, Jeremy and Julie!  I will look into all your suggestions.  BTW, Jeremy - what is bone sauce?  Cheers, Laurel
4 years ago
Thanks for this timely post, Daron - I've been thinking about starting a hedgerow in the fall.  My plan is to thwart the deer that come in on one end of my property and eat their way through to the road.  I'd like to channel them along to the road by having the hedgerow block them.  But they'll probably eat any plants that I'm trying to establish, so does that mean while my hedgerow is getting established, I'd have to fence it in? I'm located in So. Oregon and would like to use native plants.  Hoping you'll have some suggestions to help me gently redirect my little brown friends.  
4 years ago
Hi Folks, just a caution here if you're creating habitats for snakes - you'll not only attract garter snakes, but other kinds, too, such as Rattlesnakes if they live in your area.  Just this morning I stumbled onto a large rattler that was living under some cardboard in my garden.  I've been using cardboard in some of my beds to keep out the weeds, and when I went to move a piece, there was a huge rattler in the strike position with rattles sounding off.  Needless to say, I ran off with my heart pounding.  So please know what types of snakes live in your area and beware!  
4 years ago