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Jason Thiry

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since May 22, 2020
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It’s been dry this spring and we recently received 4” of rain. The spots were there while it was dry in the spring though. These trees were bought in the nursery just two years ago. They are young apple trees. They came with that knuckle there I’m guessing it was a branch that was pruned at some point at the nursery.Just wanting to make sure it’s not some disease I need to worry about that could affect my other trees
4 years ago
I have a black spot in the crotch of two of my Whitney crab apple trees. Not sure exactly what it is potentially Black rot? Does not appear to have canker. Would love any feedback I hate to cut the tree down as it’s healthy otherwise but don’t want them to infect the rest of my trees. Also a very tough spot to cut out and do not want to use chemicals if possible
4 years ago