Reid Harrison

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since Dec 03, 2020
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Recent posts by Reid Harrison

Hi, I don’t have experience making such a thing, but I have some large rounds that I’m going to try and make some stools out of. My opinion is that if you wax both surfaces while still green and complete the table, they will dry slower and shrink around the joints (assuming you used seasoned wood for legs). It might also help to make the cookies slightly thicker.
This is great, thanks folks for pointing me in the right direction!

I’m starting to build a little collection of helpful how-to and diy books, and I’ve realized it’s hard to pick because there’s so much out there! Any favorites out there? I’m mostly looking for natural building guides (I’m building a cob house w timber frame), woodworking, alt energy...happy to take any and all suggestions. Thanks!

John F Dean wrote:Hi Reid

In a general sense, what do you consider to be southern Illinois?  I was driving through Cook County once, and the radio station referred to Rockford as being in southern Illinois.  I am south of I-64.

Hey John,

Carbondale area. I too, have heard some strange Illinois geography references. We could all use a reorientation sometimes
4 years ago

Eric Hanson wrote:Hello Reid!

So I have absolutely no experience whatsoever building with cob, but I am a longtime resident of Southern Illinois so I am offering you a warm welcome.  There are a small number of us here so it always pleases me when I find another “local.”  

Welcome to Permies,


Hello Eric!

Thank you kindly for the welcome, connections like these are the most invaluable to me :)

4 years ago
This is a fantastic project. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. I’ve been sorting through geodesic dome greenhouse plans on the web and I really like your way of doing it. Curious about a few basics, if you’re willing to share...what are measurements of triangles (angles and length)? How is the wood frame joined? Thanks!
4 years ago
Hi all, I’m new here and I’m looking forward to getting to know the community more. My family and I are planning on building a cob home in southern Illinois. Does anyone have experience building with cob in this region? We are still learning a lot and very grateful for any wisdom thanks!
4 years ago