Flying Kiwi

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since Jan 28, 2021
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Old car differential
Mount vertically, bolting bottom wheel with tyre or not to a solid structure or foundation
Inside a 4 legged solid frame, box steel or pole.
Mount differential output, with attached to it a V-belt pully, that goes to your 24 volt truck alternator
Vertically cut two 200 litre solid plastic drums (44 gal for the last remaining country using old imperial) in half.

The windmill i saw operate over a decade when a young lad used two steel drums, not ideal as rust.
The unit am intending to construct i will use 2 x plastic agricultural drums, farmers have plenty of empties lying around.

Mount them at 180° creating a ~ or vertical double cup
Set the other 2 halves directly above but horizontal axle is at a right angle to bottom h-axle

Have seen many 200 litre drum windmill designs and constructs, but even lengthy searching seems to not result in anyone using a car diff.
Most differentials have a reduction of approx 4:1 , which means your output rpm will be 4 times faster.

Thoughts, ideas, information welcome before build start

4 years ago
Fantastic idea on which am going to tackle, be it when using my disc grinder I'll be wearing eye protection and earmuffs...
4 years ago