Paul Alan Henry

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since Feb 13, 2021
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We are just south of the equator on the western slopes of the Andes mountains in Ecuador at about 2300 feet altitude.
2 years ago
Thank you John, I have been using a gravity fed system, catching the water on a neighbor's land, upstream from my own land. The catchment tube is regularly washed out and/or filled with mud during rain events. Unfortunately, all of the surrounding land has been cleared, so there is a lot of sediment washed into the streams by our regular heavy tropical rains. Your reply makes me think that maybe I can find a place on my own, still forested, land where the mud will not be as big of an issue.  Maybe I can just drill an anchor into the rock to hold the intake against huge flow increase during heavy rains. I have plenty of flow and fall. The stream closest to the house has easily 5 times the flow of the one in the vid, with at least 10 meters of fall. My long term dreams include using this water flow resource to generate compressed air with a trompe to aerate tilapia ponds. We are permanently moving to the farm this January, just as the next rainy season begins. I guess I will have to go out in the rain and observe the streams to find a good place to capture some flow while avoiding the mud that has always plagued my gravity flow system. Thanks again for your reply.
2 years ago
My land has plenty of water with several year-round streams. I need a design for a catchment system to feed a ram pump that will not be destroyed or filled with mud every time we get a big rain.    Short YouTube vid of one of the streams
2 years ago
They are as nearly indestructible as a fish can be. They have been thriving in my poorly maintained aquaponics system for years with very few losses. They are pretty good eating as well!
3 years ago