Pip Clayton

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since Aug 08, 2023
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Recent posts by Pip Clayton

Fox James wrote:Your pricing sounds very reasonable indeed.
I dont know if you are using standard oil drums but you could possibly offer a kit for self assembly and the buyer would supply their own barrel.
Perhaps another option would be supplying the internal components to a third party business who could ensemble the parts with their own barrel and sell them from thier location on your behalf.
That is assuming the components without the barrel would be much cheaper to ship?

Which, remembering a business lecture from years ago… might get you around some corners as I think it might then count as being “made in USA” if some final assembly was done here.

I remember an example of shoes being made in Honduras, the laces threaded here, and now they can say “made in USA”.
4 weeks ago
Mr Lee that looks wonderful! Well done and what a lot of work! I agree with others that the credit/attribution is very important here. So many others have spent many hours, months, years developing these ideas.

Question: Peter van den Berg, all, how is it properly done to “attribute” in Mr Lee’s case?

Best wishes to all involved 🚀
1 month ago
Hah! cynda williams that chick-saving sounds both anxiety inducing and hilarious Did you get any pictures of your spa-attendees?
1 month ago
I used one of those plug-in temperature sensitive basis last year… And then after a month, read the fine print that said you aren’t supposed to use an extension cord with it. Drats. $Ow.

Then I used a series of small bricks. Left them on top of the furnace, change them out (into their water container) when the temperatures went below zero.

Which doesn’t work if you have to walk and walk and walk to get to your chicken coop.

I am thinking of an enclosure as well, maybe the warm brick idea in conjunction with my happy new rocket stove (I made bread for the first time in it last night. Woo hoo!). If I made an enclosure with insulated cob and hot rocket bricks stashed where The Goofballs couldn’t get at the bricks, but the bricks could keep their water unfrozen. ?

So many fun things to do in this world,eh? 🐓🐓😁🐓🐓

I love the insulated wrap idea.

We’re in Chicago and people get those boxes of mostly-prepared food with the various foil/other insulation thingos.

Which of course then end up in the alley (my favorite shopping center).

Dream: having a PVDBerg batch box rocket stove with some kind of combination like (Tim Barker‘s?) diverter that could spend some time heating the chicken Coop water and sometime being a food dehydrator or all the other wonderful possibilities.

This is such a cool site with so many wonderful people and cool-ass (warm-ass) ideas! Thank you so much Paul and crew! 🙂🌿❤️
1 month ago