Deane Adams

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since Mar 18, 2024
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Recent posts by Deane Adams

"May your knife chip and break"
14 hours ago
OK folks, I heard on the radio that the orange man will place 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada and a 10% tariff on China starting tomorrow, Feb 1.

I guess we all will find out very soon what happens next.

14 hours ago
First - is it buts or butts??? not sure.
Second - I like all buts, big, large, medium, small, mostly I like round ones with some sass, ( that can wait for another time and place ).
Third  -  I don't at all mind having my posts deleted, that provides proof that I hit someone's nerve.   As for the apple cores, as I never really understood the
             apple thingy, I do not mind them either.

Overall I like the Press, just please understand I do not reply to be mean, I'm mostly trying to make fun!! (in a nice way)

On grid in this suburban "hell", however with the increasing electric rates, plus I'm kinda sorta not going to register my chickens with the county.  I think I'll be placing this place on the market come spring.  As the ole folks once said enuff is enuff!!
1 day ago
This may not be what Judith had in mind with this post, but yes I mend some of my clothes if using a Swing line "Tot" to staple a tear in a shirt sleeve counts.

I've also been known to make use of the always handy Duck Tape for some repairs too.

2 days ago
Clay, thanks for the video and yes the Jade plant looks to be doing great, that's all the proof of design I need.

Just one little thing I feel I need to bring up ---- shorts at the tail end of Jan. in MT ??  I mean really ??

You da MAN, remember that I day you may also be a member of grey/white hair group and on blood thinners !!!


Thank you Pearl, you gave me a smile this morning, "older" can still be cool.

The phone that the nice lady at the store chose for me was a  Blu Flex.  The only thing that I asked for was the phone model that had the record of fewest returns.  I can't offer any reports on how the many functions of the phone work, cause I don't plan to use em!  I've written the 5 numbers on some card stock cut to fit under the flip.

I know that I'm not very tech savvy and I'm good with that.  I can and do learn new things, just not much tech "stuff"

2 days ago
I have no experience with publishing so I have no advice for you.  This I can however offer, put me down for a copy.  Keep in mind I'm old (well older) and like to hold a book in my hands, if you do this e book thingy I will have to ask a friend for some help !

OK Clay and Alex I will overlook both of you for "hot" thingy.  I'm sending all my sympathy to you both, as I have no talent or skill with threaded fittings !!!

All my best to you both.


PS  I'm on kitchen duty today slicing, dicing and repacking my haul from the grocery store yesterday.  I'll check back later.
Hey Clay thanks for taking the time to keep us updated.  I really enjoy the pics that you have posted, well except the one of the stop sign poking out of the snow bank, I still haven't warmed up from that one.

I have one tiny, small thingy to ask of you, please keep in mind I'm old and have some heart issues and try to stay calm and keep my pressure low, if you could find your way to pleaseeeeeee stop using the word "hot" when talking about the heater problems.  Pleaseeeeeeeee for the love of little sour green apples, it's a water heater, period !!!

I know that it's kinda silly, but it is one of the things that will send me around the bend every time I hear it.  I rank that wording up there with "tool abuse" !

I hope you know that I mean this in a fun way.  And I hope you get a laugh from this.
