Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Jon Bailey

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since Oct 17, 2024
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In growing use, you almost always want to inoculate the char, thus making biochar.  This is more about microbes and such than the plants take up use.  Think of it like bunkers for microbes when your soil progresses through its stages.  If you are growing in pots for short durations, biochar is not as effective an ingredient compared to a more extended in-ground plant.

I like plain char for use in areas that are toxic or need aggressive treatment.  It is also good for lining around farms' runoff areas to catch excessive nitrogen.

I am moving that site from Germany to the USA, and the information needs to be updated.  I will be working on the biochar and vermi compost writings soon to update it but is still very full of information.

A quick link to the compost tea write:

I highly recommend the natural farming section, this section I have updated:  I do have some more sections to add in and will find good links for you if you like on those topics from pest management to updated methods for microbes than the IMO methods I have listed.

If you really want to jump down a rabbit hole:  Plant Physiology and nutritional transportation.

I hope that helps.  Have a great day!

4 weeks ago