Nirmal Vidura

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since Oct 24, 2024
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Recent posts by Nirmal Vidura

Goats and pigs are great for forested areas.
Goats will manage brush, and pigs can clear undergrowth.
1 week ago
Nice finding Timothy.
I’ve tried sprouting seeds for my chickens before, and only whole, intact seeds or legumes worked for me...
2 weeks ago
Welcome, Matt!
Your plan sounds exciting!
For the fruit trees, consider spacing them at least 15-20 feet apart to allow for growth and airflow.
I think choosing shorter trees like peach or persimmon on the west side can minimize shading.
Looking forward to seeing your progress!
2 weeks ago
It looks like you're making great progress!
2 weeks ago
If Doe keeps losing kits, it might be best to stop breeding her.
But I think it's better to wait and watch her next time to decide what’s best.
If her next litter is healthy, you can try breeding her again.
2 weeks ago
I haven’t tried extracting sugar from skirret myself, but it’s definitely an intriguing idea! Skirret’s sugar content is impressive, and with its long history as a "sugar root," it seems worth experimenting with.
2 weeks ago
Saslo, consider installing a small gravel layer or drainage pipe at the base of the swale to guide excess water out more efficiently.
2 weeks ago
Hi John,
I too have experienced noticeable improvements in my vegetable garden, particularly with tomatoes.
tomatoes seemed more disease-resistant, and the flavor became richer.
3 weeks ago
I built a movable chicken coop, and it works great for my 5 hens + 1 rooster.
For a design that can be moved by hand, aim for a coop that's lightweight but sturdy, around 4x8 feet.
This surely gives enough space for 8-10 chickens.
If you need more ideas, search Google for the keyword Chicken Tractor Plans!
3 weeks ago
As I have learned, the chemical in walnut leaves is called juglone, which can harm some plants, but not all.  
I would simply remove the top layer of walnut leaves, and mix in a good layer of compost.
3 weeks ago