paul wheaton

author and steward
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since Apr 01, 2005
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Paul Wheaton, The Duke of Permaculture, is an author, producer, certified advanced master gardener, and owner of. He has created hundreds of youtube videos, hundreds of podcasts, multiple DVDs, and written dozens of articles and a book. As the lead mad scientist at Wheaton Labs, he's conducted experiments resulting in rocket stoves and ovens, massive earthworks, solar dehydrators and much more.
His bitcoin thing-a-ma-bob is 177pNU2a9iCpUXQwXX9EbtA2UwZpgeqcMT
Paul Wheaton bio
Paul Wheaton book
Paul Wheaton's stuff
Paul Wheaton's keynote
Paul Wheaton TED talk
Paul Wheaton tour with Justin Rhodes
Paul Wheaton and Sepp Holzer
Paul Wheaton is the "Bad Boy of Permaculture"
Paul Wheaton's Youtube channel
free heat
master gardener program
wood heat
gardener gift

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missoula, montana (zone 4)
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Recent posts by paul wheaton

Katrina Bubas Stevens wrote:Hi! I just purchased Paul’s cancer journey. I was able to access the private forum, but I cannot find the link to the June 16, 2023 podcast anywhere. I did a word search on the private cancer forum and found posts talking about the podcast but no link. Any help would be much appreciated!

Go to

Look for the big blue text that says "click here to download"

Terry Bytes wrote:Exactly.
So close, that if it was a Venn diagram it would be only 1 circle.

Update:  Thank you, access granted to this account.

You beat me to it!

Thanks to staff (nancy) that stepped in and did the merge.  

Sorry!  That was quite a run!  We are now all sold out of world domination gardening DVDs.  We will look into special offers for the other DVDs we still have.  Stay tuned to the dailyish!

6 hours ago

Terry Bytes wrote:I accidentally bought Paul's Cancer for $25 as guest.
Is there any way to have the forum-access moved to this account I'm typing as, instead?
Transaction: 2D4719665A945805Y

I think what you are saying is that you paid for this with an email address that is different from your regular email address.  So permies "helped" by creating a new account for you.  And rather than accessing from the other account, it would be handy if the two accounts were merged.  

Am I close?

(BTW, searching for 2D4719665A945805Y reveals nothing on our end, so that is probably a number given to you that is not shared with us.  So we will need other clues to get this sorted.)

Saralee Couchoud wrote:Where did my order go. I clicked on the link, made the purchase and it took me back to this link. What's up?

I added a message to confirm purchase is complete.

Did you get the email about the product being shipped?
1 day ago

Tina Wolf wrote:I bought 1 set but want to buy 2 more. Would you send me a link please?

My guess is that you are asking for a link like this

1 day ago
We are out of rocket oven DVDs!  Yay!

So now the offer is for 11 DVDs.  And I dropped the price again.  I hope that this will clear out the last DVDs!
1 day ago

Andrés Bernal wrote:

paul wheaton wrote: My concerns:

    - a level 5 movie will sell about 1% as much as a level 2 movie.  I sure hope that this is not the case.

I totally get the concern. A big part of sharing permaculture ideas with a broader audience is presenting them in a way that feels approachable and engaging. Maybe we can address this by structuring the movie in an incremental way, starting with concepts that feel familiar and then gradually layering in the deeper, more advanced ideas. That way, we can pull in a wider audience while still delivering all the specs on the willow feeder system.

Maybe the strategy needs to be ....    

level 5 stuff looks cool to people that are at level 3.  level 5 stuff looks crazy to people at level 2.

So maybe the kickstarter page (and video) needs to feel like level 4 stuff instead of level 5.  And we do our damndest to sound appealing to level 2 people.  

So the final movie can be as level 5 as we want.  But all the kickstarter stuff needs to stick to level 4.
2 days ago

Paul Fookes wrote:A dollar level is a start - Maybe a short movie outlining how the willow feeder works and some steps
From $100 the full movie plus a plan
Additional $s more movies including low technology for those who don't have it yet or RMH or select a perk
Supporter names
production peeps
director peeps
I think that there is an opportunity to grow the pot with candy (not willow candy though🤪)

Tell me more about "short movie".  How long?  What might be in it?  How long is "the full movie"?
3 days ago
Level 1 peeps would be open to what to not flush.  Or something they can buy that makes things better.  But the idea of a willow feeder will be too much.

Level 3 peeps will think that willow feeders are a fascinating idea for others.  They would be open to seeing a youtube video, but they probably would not buy a movie.  They are unlikely to even put in a dollar.

Level 4 peeps might support the kickstarter.

I think we can count on our own level 5 peeps.  

....    so ....   this project makes me really nervous.  For every level 5 person, there are 1000 level 2 peeps.  So we would have 1000 times better success with something that appeals to level 2 peeps.

So I am pretty worried about this.

Suppose we are going to have 200 backers instead of 2000 backers.  Then it makes sense that we sell this movie for $40 per person to pay for all the things.   Andres likes the idea of offering the movie to kickstarter peeps at $10, and then sell the movie after the kickstarter for $25.  I think andres has earned the right to have a stronger say in this sort of thing.  At the same time I feel mighty nervous.  I think to compensate, we should set the "goal" a bit higher than we have in the past.

Putting a kickstarter together is a lot of work.  Making the movie is a lot of work too!  This is all a LOT of work and a lot of gamble.
3 days ago