Bryant RedHawk wrote:water that has free ions (H+ or O+) can grab and hold onto other minerals this makes for "ready food" for the microorganisms that jadam grows (bacteria), that keeps the jadam going until you use it in your soil.
Once you put the material into your soil the organisms will spread out and process minerals in the soil through the enzymes the bacteria produce for freeing up the minerals they use for food.
I'm not sure of what i'm saying, but: I believe Jadam suggests a water softner because the homemade pesticides can adhere better to the surface of the plants. If the water is "hard" means the little molecules of water are already bonded to any minerals present in the they poorly act as a 'surfactant'.
I don't know if Jadam suggests the water softner also for producing the JMS / JLF(Jadam Microbiological Solution/Jadam Liquid Fertilizer)..but it could, because water is mixed into phyllite (rich of minerals), and the water bonded to the minerals can transport a bigger mass of food to the microorganisms. It's however expensive to soften the water for a big production of the JMS/JLF if you have to use for a big surface, IMO. The Ions Exchange Resin produces about 10.000-20.000 liters of soft water and it costs 100€/25kg bag. But you can regenerate it until 15 times for what I've read..
Ciao from a rainy Italy,