Those nasty systemics like clopyralid are fairly uncommon here, as most NZers don't have such a 'thing' for lawns as many Americans do.
How about testing? I'd only worry about the really systemic poisons, as soil
should deal with nearly everything. Are there some properties that are, say, 1/3 forest, 2/3 open? If I had access to something like that, I'd be very happy.
I see forests as a fantastic longterm asset:
firewood, building timber, cllimate/rainfall modification etc etc. I wouldn't be keen on cutting down trees in order to grow a garden/food forest and I'd go for the more open/some forest.
I'd be especially interested in places not obviously inhabited by retentive spray-fiends. Benign neglect is what I'd be after (outside that is, if there's a house involved, neglect can be an issue...)