Hi All
RMH builders and testers;
I really like what was done in this post
Kirk Mobert cyclone style in the red cabin
I want to convert my 6"
RMH to function similar to the stove in the above post.
My firebricks in the picture below are 4.5"x9"x2" (this will give you the dimensions from the below picture).
Imagine that I create a lower and upper "box" where the current hook of the J tube is.
Now it seems I have a few options now that my imaginary two tier boxes are setting on top of each other:
Option 1 (safest):
-connect the two boxes together with a portion of the vertical J tube;
-create exit passages from the upper box to the bench pipe.
Option 2 (may not burn
wood gases just the wood instead; or stove might not burn at all):
-connect the two boxes with a square hole going from the ceiling of the lower box directly into the floor of the lower box (this hole would be in the rear near the bench);
-create exit passages from the upper box to the bench pipe.
Will Option 2 work as do a secondary burn which burns the hydrogen gases etc and leave me with nice steam smelling exhaust?
Has anyone put the p channel under the box instead of on top? (seems to me the air intake would be inline with the flow of flame and gas instead of being forced downwards which disrupts the horizontal flow....yes, I know I would have to blow/clean the p channel out if it was placed on the bottom) ?
In Option 1, how long does my 6" riser have to be? Kirk Mobert's doesn't seem to be as tall as described by the spreadsheets or formula for these types of stoves.
The answer seems to be 43" for a 6".... can it be 32 to 36" and work correctly?
If you have viable answers to these questions, please take the time to answer!!! And by all means, make the suggestions you want to also.