I have a strange fascination with different forms of propulsion. From square wheels invented in World War Two, to Duckwalking Draglines, to Honeycomb Rims, I just keep a folder filled with videos and pictures of strange propulsion designs
should I ever need to build something that just cannot be moved by the typical wheel.
I have no idea where some of these designs could be used. Perhaps someday on the holy grail of homesteading...the PERFECT Tractor...and no, one has never been built yet (sorry Kubota, you are not there yet)! Or perhaps it is using a radial means of propulsion to make a small machine really do some difficult work. Or maybe it is a new means to put a machine where it could never go before.
But I have not seen it all yet, so if you have seen a neat way to provide motivation, this would be a great place to highlight it, so me, as well as others might be able to use it to overcome a difficult situation on our farms. No one person is smarter than all of us put together after all.
This is a square wheel truck invented in World War Two to give a truck more traction in snow, mud and sand.