At the other end of the spectrum far from the
Johnson-Su Bioreactor is the newly discovered
Accidental Lazy Lye Ambient Temperature Low Throughput
Dry Soaked Continuously Harvestable All Grass Clippings
Small Composting Bioreactor or ALLATLTDSCHAGCSCB for
short and ALL-B{pronounced all-bee} for shortest.
In its simplest manifestation, all it takes is a
plastic laundry basket{preferably a discard}, a supply
of grass clippings, an occasional handful of soil, an
occasional blessing of diluted man-made organic
and a ready source of greywater{preferably under the
shade beside a drain downstream from the kitchen
outlet}. It takes a leaf out of the Johnson-Su
Bioreactor{youtube} in that there is no spot more than
1foot away from the surrounding air so we may be
assured that this works under mostly aerobic
conditions. Unlike the harvest-once-a-year Johnson-Su
Bioreactor, this produces continuous compost{{NVBAL}not
verified by any lab} and
compost tea{NVBAL} as well as
humic acid{NVBAL} to neutralise the chlorine in the
How does it work? Grey
water from the kitchen, shed
skin, biofilm fragments from the plumbing, sodden food
fragments, rice washings{all contributing
microorganisms} are daily poured{not more than a
gallon{usually but not strictly} on top of the ALL-B.
At the bottom, black stuff and tea coloured water comes
out. Since this is freely draining, the movement of the
water down and out draws air into the pile.
After a few weeks, the level of the grass clippings
would have dropped. Is this shrinkage due to anaerobic
decomposition? I don't know but I detect no foul
smells. You then add a handful of garden soil{hopefully
containing earthworm eggs} and top up with more
clippings. You have now reached a steady state of decay
where the top is fairly dry and the bottom is
absolutely water laden. I propose that a continuum of
decay exists throughout the bioreactor and within this
continuum, there exists a sweet spot where the
microorganisms do their work at transforming grass
into dark particulate matter. I can't prove this
because I don't have a USD350 microscope or access to
an agri-laboratory.
With my present setup, the compost is scooped out of the
drain{I dam the drain} and sieved. You may need to hack
this yourself and add a catch basin and a pedestal of
some sort.
This is a lazy{low maintenance} bioreactor. No exact
proportions of
carbon to nitrogen. I just keep adding
fresh cut grass. No turnng over. No needless worrying
about the interior temperature of between 122 and 165
Fahrenheit or too little water or too much water{one of
my ALL-Bs is directly under the roofline getting
drenched everytime it rains.
Free and easy. No worries.
I think the weed seeds/spores germinate but then die
because there is no sunlight and are then broken down
leaving no fossil record or forensic evidence. The top
inch may contain baby earthworms and millipedes.
Or maybe not.
Can this be scaled up? What happens if I cascade it?
I leave this as an exercise for the reader.