I cleared the lot next to mine for an orchard of Pawpaw and Asian Persimmon. I have a lot of seedlings on order and expect them in early march.
Before the seedlings arrive, I want to prepare the soil so I went ahead and got a complete analysis (micronutrient and paste) from Logan Labs.
I have on order mycogrow and Agricultural EM that I will add in each planting hole and around
roots. I have some SEA-90 and a little bit of Tennessee brown rock dust that I will mix with
compost to put on top after I plant.
I need help in using these reports to determine what I need to do now and in early spring. Not sure what the Saturated Paste report is but ordered it to learn.
Are there products I can buy and mix and broadcast or spray? Mix ratios for small batches since the whole lot is around 0.5 acres.