Bryan Johnson wrote:This spring I will be starting my third year of food forestry and I have some questions about nurse trees and nuts. What is the correct distance to plant a nurse tree? I am starting with both trees in the 1 foot to 2 feet in height. If I plant the nurse tree 10 feet away from the tree it is supposed to be nursing won't the hazel nut be mature before the nurse tree interacts with it? At the moment I am planting autumn olive about 3' away on one side and buffalo berry about 5 feet away on the other side. My thought is that when the start to crowd each other I will sequentially copice the nurse trees and use the branches for propagation. I also have lovage, comfrey, egyptian walking onions, dutch clover, and good king henry planted into the guilds. Are there any recommendations or additions I should be making to these guilds? Am i even on the right track?
I suspect you're going to receive a wide variance on your answers here.
Before I chime in with my response, what do you mean by a "nurse tree?"
Perhaps there's another term for the objective you're trying to accomplish...
...what is it that you're trying to do with your plants?