Comfrey book, 440 pages, 8.5" x 11", Softcover, Perfect Bound
Botany and History of Comfrey
Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Comfrey
Borage Family, Symphytum Genus
Symphytum Species
Symphytum Species Classifications
Symphytum Genus Description
Symphytum Species Overview
Details about Symphytum Species
Details about Symphytum Species Hybrids
Prehistory, Ancient Times, Middle Ages and Comfrey
Renaissance and Comfrey: 1400s to 1600s
Age of Enlightenment and Comfrey: 1700s
Age of Revolution and Comfrey: 1800s
The 1900s and Comfrey
Garden Uses of Comfrey:
Compost, Fertilizer, Potting Mix
Growing Vegetables and Fruit with Comfrey Fertilizer
Nutritional Value of Comfrey