Paula Edwards wrote:
....We want to seal them with bentonite and plant them with edible species, only the duck pond we want to plant with something the ducks don't eat.
Some do tell you to plant the plants in pots. Otherwise do I put good soil only were the plants are? Or do I put the soil over the whole pond surface? Or do I dig a hole through the bentonite and put good soil there and will the pond leek then? How did you plant your pond?
Planting in pots is for decorative ponds that will be cleaned with filters,etc. The point is to keep the pond "clean" and "pretty", and to prevent spread of vigorous plants, but it discourages normal pond biological processes.
I have two small ponds that are filled from rain/roof run off, they have plastic liners, but I purposely covered the liners with soil
to encourage flora/fauna.
The purpose of bentonite is to seal the pond bottom, so putting holes in it will cause leaks.
My ponds have typical water plants (purple loose strife, water hyacinths, algae, etc) and goldfish.