Today, I visited the CCC (Depression era, WPA) Swales in Tucson made famous by
Bill Mollison.
Pretty neat hour long excursion, I wish I could have stayed longer, but my group was ready to go after an hour.
The Monsoon winds and the rains they bring have ended (although a little bit of rain today in Tucson today, but not at the swales).
So the swales are showing a lot of life -- It would be interesting to see how they look in May (next time I am in Tucson in May I will revisit).
Here is a link to the Picasa Album. It's about 50 pics, following our walk from the road heading East.
The last pics were really eye opening to me about how powerful passive
water harvesting can be.
The swales are pretty tall -- 8-10 foot
berms that end abruptly. Except for the last one, which is basically a circular swale/berm/dam with an inlet near the back.
I didn't see any signs of humans using the area for sleeping, or cooking but there were signs of people nearer to the road.
Some broken bottles, but by the last Big
Swale, I didn't see any trash.
I made comments on the bottoms of the pics to give you orientation. I couldn't see the comments in slideshow view, so if you click through each pic you will get more detail.