Don't tell me its spelled chipmunk. My chipmonks display monk-ish qualities (they wear robes and shave the top of their heads).
Anyway, I have many holes in my bed. The
mice like em. They're kind of cute, especially the ones that hop around (kangaroo mice?). Naturally, the snakes have come (garters). I've seen one slither into one of the holes. My second bed (no soil yet) has a chipmonk coming out from underneath it. Whenever I'm messing around in there he pops out and hangs with me. I often find him/her munching on the chop n droppables. Very amusing.
I'm thinking of not covering the chipmonk hiding spot and even making a mini gable roof so I have the hole and planting area nearby.
My goal is to grow too much food, so there's plenty to go around. I figure I destroyed some habitat, might as well create some.