I like it.
With a few modifications in the overall design I'm sure the same concept could be utilized in a self watering raised bed. My only issue with the SWRB is it doesn't allow access to existing ground. The varieties with deep penetrating
roots would suffer(certain radish,asparagus,etc.)
The key I think is getting the water to pass thru the materials(BioC, HotPost) and then be dispersed throughout the bed with the water in a uniform fashion not to be concentrated in 1 particular area. Another key would be accessibility to be replenished when the material is spent or needs a refill.
I thought of a design with a tub up above the bed itself that could be filled with anything, even have different chambers for different material separation that combined in the void below before leaving the tub. Screened below the chambers and at the outlet with maybe a 2' perforated pipe leading into the bed, like a drip tape concept. Even place a valve on the outlet so the tub could be filled and the material could soak and release more goodness.
This way even though you would still have to water the bed or tub in the design. there's a few ways like materials in substrate that could retain the moisture. You could even have access to the pipe as it leaves the tub to just water the bed normally.
A timer could even automate the process on the tub and the pipe.
I have yet to implement it and many of my thoughts... I think too much...
good luck