I'm about to top some big spruces, but I'm wondering if there is any rule of thumb when it comes to height of "hedge" to height of house and turbulence?
It's all spruces, 40ft windbreakers... taking them because I need wood, and because they will fall over soner or later.. a few as already been blown over...
I will no doubt get more noise and movement in the house when the wind hits my roof, but I was thinking/hoping I could lessen it by topping at some magical aero-point, or something... =o)
According to a South Dakota extension service pdf here wind speed reduction is measurable 2 - 5 times the height of the windbreak.
Hope that helps.
Intermountain (Cascades and Coast range) oak savannah, 550 - 600 ft elevation. USDA zone 7a. Arid summers, soggy winters
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