This classic book is absolutely worth a browse. For those of you who don't know it, this is the opposite of a get rich quick, spend on flash and bling book. To research this book (a NY Times best-seller) the authors interviewed dozens of actual self-made millionaires to find out how they
actually lived, acted, and thought; what they valued, and how they raised their children.
Case in point: the guy who turned down a
gift of a custom made Rolls Royce from his clients. It didn't suit his chosen simple lifestyle -- couldn't take it fishing, couldn't park it in front of the hole-in-the-wall restaurants he liked. It had no value to him.
The dollar values in this classic book are slightly dated (published 1996) but the values, strategies and advice from people who accumulated actual high net worths in their own lifetimes, in contrast to the show off and spend lifestyle, is deeply instructive.
Lots of
Gert material in here, and much that is discussed fits in with the values and views here.
You'll hear echoes of Mr. Money Mustache as well.
This book seems to be available as downloadable PDF on many sites, which claim to have permission to reproduce it. I'm not 100% positive about that, so you'll have to consult your own ethical standards on the subject. A library will almost certainly have a copy.