Teachers: Kareen Erbe (Bozeman, Broken Ground), Jessica Peterson (Helena, Inside Edge Design), Caroline Wallace (Helena, Inside Edge Design)
Organizer: Jennephyr Reiche-Sterling (Great Falls, Earth Heart Spirit, LLC)
Article in Great Falls Tribune, featuring Kareen, Jessica, and Caroline and the 1-Day
Intro to Permaculture 1 Day Workshop!
Gardening Enthusiasts,
I would like to invite you all to attend an Introduction to
Permaculture Workshop on April 13, 2013 at MSU-COT, Rooms 45/46, 8am.-4p.m. in Great Falls, MT. $40 - $60 sliding scale for pre-registration, $70 at the door. Scholarships available.
Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share for a potluck luncheon. Please email: Jennephyr Reiche-Sterling at
ehsher@gmail.com or contact MSU-COT for more information. Or you can register online at Inside Edge Design's website:
Course outline:
Morning session 8 AM - 12 PM
Break for lunch: 12 - 1 PM
Afternoon session: 1 - 4 PM
Morning sessions:
8 - 9 AM: Introduction to
Permaculture Principals of Natural Systems (Kareen Erbe)
9-10 AM: Patterns in Nature, Culture and Society (Jessica Peterson)
10-10:15 AM: Break
10:15 - 11:15 AM:
Sustainable Design Methodologies (Caroline Wallace)
11:15 AM - 12 PM: Break out session outside - Reading the landscape - Observation and capturing natural design elements (Hands on)
12-1 PM: Lunch
Afternoon sessions:
1-1:30 PM: Food Forests, Plant Guilds, & Polycultures: Gardens for Self-Sufficiency (Jessica Peterson)
1:30-2 PM: Capturing and Storing
Water (Caroline Wallace)
2 - 3 PM: Composting and Sheet Mulching (Kareen Erbe) (Hands on Demonstration)
3-4 PM: Design Charrette! Break out session inside (Hands on)