Hi guys!
I live in central Poland, i moved there into small town where i live now last year.
I would to implement there as many
permaculture strategies as i could and my ideas still transforming, where to place specific areas.
There are quick sketch
Picture what the property is looking, with black as exiting things (i mentioned not all of them) and with coulor what i want to implement there (garage is not
permaculture thing anyway i just pictured it

The sun angle is om 23 june, so north arrow
should be little turned left.
Theres not as much wind sometimes from west - north west.
Property lies on slight slope from south around 140 meters to north side 139meters.
On picture is an old house ruin it looks more like hill i want to stay it as a zone 5.
I am still asking myself to place
pond beetween zen garden and food forest and
chicken house with
greenhouse instead the
pond, to make my way to
chickens shorter as well as there on the south side of building tap
water. One thing what concerns me is the view from the house almost directly onto
chickens house and
greenhouse there is not but we fixing house now and i would to add window in south side of the house , as on the first floor there are windows only on west and east side.
On the south side,where is a idea to place a pond there's planted pine and picea
trees some of them as 5m tall and i think is a must to cut almost all of trees ;( (only few of the smaller tress will be replanted). Instead of them there will be hedge from food plants - rosa canina, elderberry, eleagnus and so on.
Zen garden means , that this place will have ornamental and relaxing meaning, place inside nicke looking (but still edible!

) garden some bench etc.
On the picture, there only general meanings of things, as well not always in good scale.
So that's mine general idea for this property.
If you will have some concept please mention it.