Don't know if any of you all out there are from the Upstate New York region , but if you are this might be of interest:
The Alchemical Nursery ( will be hosting the 2010 Upstate NY
Permaculture Consulta regional networking and skill share event on Saturday, March 13, 2010 from 10am - 5pm. This event, which was inaugurally held in Ithaca during February 2009, is coming to Syracuse for 2010, and you are invited to participate.
16 People were in attendance at our initial community potluck and planning meeting for the 2010 Consulta to be held on March 13th. 7 committees have been identified and are in need of volunteers and participants for the rest of the planning and implementation process:
Program/Agenda, Endorsements/Promotion, Child Care, Food, Zine
Project, Guests/Information, Budget. View the full minutes to learn the full details of each committee as well as the current committee members.
Full meeting notes and action steps are available at:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,388/Itemid,27/
The next potluck/planning meeting is on Saturday Jan 16th starting at 6:30 pm!