Hello friends,
I am working on a theoretical report of designing a 700 cubic meter capacity of biogas plant with sweet sorghum as a substrate in mesophilic temperature.
I am having some questions
1. Sweet sorghum as a feeding material, i am bit confused in determining the organic loading rate per day. With the capacity of the fermenter and the hydraulic retention time, we can calculate the feeding rate.
Sweet sorghum harvested and utilize for biogas production directly, not used for sugar and ethanol extraction, will be it efficient?
Any suggestion regarding, what would be the hydraulic retention time of the plant with sweet sorghum as a feeding material?
What has to be the size of the sweet sorghum to be cut for optimum degradability?
What would be the specific gas production?
2. Is it possible to produce efficient biogas using only sweet sorghum as a feeding material and just use the manure for initial start up?
3. What would be the efficient ratio of mixing sweet sorghum with the
4. In order to have a better degradability and optimum pH, for example added lime or NaoH would improve the condition of the degradation.
Can the lime or NaoH added directly to the fermenter? or how it has to be done?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.