How would you like free
solar energy ?
Me too and if you live in the UK have a south facing unshaded roof then maybe you can get free
solar panels .
This is how the scam sorry scheme works . The govt wanted to encourage solar energy in the UK ,
land of rain and wind, so what it did was to put a tax on the electric consumption to provide a subsidy for among other things solar .
A number of companies looked at the amount of subsidy and realised that if you put solar panels on a roof and just added an inverter so as to connect with the grid then the cost plus a
profit could be had without measuring the amounts of electric used either embedded or exported to the grid . In plain english they get the subsidy you get the electricity anything you do not use goes into the grid .
Unfortunetly I live in France and am unable to take advantage of this offer
This is one of the companies involved
should add that I am not connected to this company apart from my folks in the UK are thinking of doing this and asked me to look into it and I thought it a good deal .