posted 11 years ago
My goats love the flower heads and the leaves. From what I understand, it takes some frosts for them to die. This is my first year growing them and so far they are still alive and haven't really changed since the flower heads emerged. In a mild climate you might not even have to harvest and store them. You might be able to rotate livestock in and out of patches of amaranth, which I think would grow back during the warmer months. Just a thought.
Why work hard when god made so many mongongo nuts? - !Kung
The notion that man must dominate nature emerges directly from the domination of man by man - Murray Bookchin
C'est drôle comme les gens qui se croient instruits éprouvent le besoin de faire chier le monde.-Boris Vian
El hombre es la naturaleza que toma conciencia de sí misma -Elisée Reclus