Hey Permies,
I just got this breaking news about a new study from Harvard indicating that Neonicotionoids are highly likely to be the cause of Colony Collapse D/O and I wanted to get it out you you all ASAP. Here's the article"
Greenpeace has a campaign going to demand a nationwide ban on these toxins following in the EU's footsteps. You can sign the petition at this site:
Watchdog.net is also running a campaign and you can sign their petition here:
Here's an article about it in The Guardian:
Paul, If you see this, would you please promote these websites and campaigns? Humankind would have about 4 years to live if we lost the
bees, so this is one of the most important and impactful things we can be involved in right now. All the brilliant PC designs in the world won't mean diddly squat if the pollinators take a dirt nap.
Many Thanks, Joe