I'd call myself a professional dreamer so far on a one may revolution with the purpouse of building "Project Perfect Dayz" the vision of a 26yr old Meningitis survivor who awoke from a 4 day coma with NO MEMORY to find a world we all want to change...a world of people who all have a say in HOW we create our collective future...As Abraham Lincoln said "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time"...And as most of us have herd the way Ghandi put it "To BE the change we wish to see in the world"...
Behind "Project Perfect Dayz" is a plan, a dream & an organized movement of change makers "The Good Hearts Army" (Harmonizers) who's primary mission is to show more of what is right, rather than wrong with humanity, more of what is universal, rather than simply economical...to inspire more peace, more justice, more balance, & more
sustainability on plant Earth...
As Thomas Jefferson once remarked "If we did all of the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
More to come
Searching for consultants & "idea people" as well as risk takers who would like to help with the design creation & purchase of 75 acres as a headquarters