planning a poly culture experiment I would love to hear from any one else that has tried this
we have a large garden area , but also many
deer ,bunnies,raccoons, squirrels and ground hogs . we have fox and coyote but they are slacking and the plant eaters are flourishing.
I am thinking of trying a seed mix rather than monoculture, will still plant in rows to make weeding easier ( I so I know what to let grow, and to make it easier to control bind weed !) , but mixed seeds in the rows to deter the deer and confuse the bugs . I found a deer resistant wild flower mix on line and am thinking of blending that with my chard ,beets ,radish,dakion radish ,lettuce ,kale, Asian kale , mustard ,bok choy ,parsely ,dill ,onion chive and garlic chive . with my snow peas added along the fences ( any other suggestions for the cold weather mix ?)
I figure a blend of cold tolerant stuff first . then I can come along and sow in blend of warm weather stuff beans, cucumber ,tomato ,ect then plug in transplants where cool crops were used of melon eggplant squashes pumpkin and pepper
the perimeter where the deer really got me bad this year I plan to seed with radish, mangle ,kale, cow
pea,bean ,plus saved squash and pumpkin seed and a clover/ vetch mix to try to make the critters happy to stay on the perimeter , will add the cow peas and some beans because they really enjoyed my bean leaves and jumped 2 fences to get to the green beans and strip the leaves .
.the potatoes will also go out on the perimeter this year along with some of the tomatoes since they seem less attractive to our deer .
this year they ate every squash plant Last year they also did lots of damage . we have re dug the farm
pond a few acres away from the garden so we are hoping that will also help .
we also have opened the farm to some friends and
local police officers that hunt, in the hopes that some one will get lucky and decrease the deer population
any suggestions for how to use this type mix in the seeder ? ( Husband loves his seeder ) I was sort of thinking mix all the similar size seeds together and make 2 rows close of the early stuff
1 row of the tiny seeds and one of the larger seeds
another option would be mix it all with sand or
DE and sprinkle but husband really loves his walk behind seeder ! it is his main contribution to the garden I imagine he will not be pleased if it is not needed !
.Also any ideas for filler seed ( low cost edibles to help space the other seed ) that would be early harvest to make space as the others grow ?
would love ideas , for the critter areas as well as the human garden