Or, well, not exactly in the
chicken coop--more rather in the ground that the coop is on. I just got a lovely little coop & run built by my father, delivered last week to my property. We put it in an old section of the garden that was a complete fail (too much shade & tree competition) figuring that would be a lovely location for a few
chickens. The problem is that the coop is sitting over some former
raised garden beds (not with solid walls, just mounded up), and I'd not realized that there are about 6" ditches between these beds that now make lovely tunnels right out of--or into--the coop.
WHY I didn't realize this would happen is beyond me, but it's done now. So my question is--does anyone have suggestions for what to fill in these ditches with that the
chickens, or any predators, won't just dig straight through?
Should I just pack in a good amount of dirt? Suggestions?
Thank you!