Tony Scheck wrote:Sergei, have you integrated your wild foraging into any permaculture design or are you just wild harvesting?
I'm on 5 acres and have started to identify natives but they are limited. Have you introduced/seeded plants into an area?
If so, which ones would you recommend as I am at 8000' in CO. Thanks
Tony, I've definitely done a fair bit of edible weed cultivation. It's way easier to eat the weeds when they are close by.
In addition to a conventional garden I try have a large
wild edibles patch for green smoothies and salads.
My last weed patch was full of miner's lettuce (during the months of March, April, and May), lamb's quarters, dandelions, clover, plantain,
mint, green amaranth, pursuance, dock, and chicory. I intentionally planted some of these things, but most of them came up on their own.
When you train your eyes to spot good weeds, you'll find that they are all around you and you don't even have do anything but let them grow.
This is one of the base principle of
permaculture is it not?
At your elevation you might have to experiment at little bit to see how things grow. I'm sure you can grow some sort of weeds on your
All of the plants I mentioned are pretty hardy. Have you walked around your property looking for edible plants? If so, what did you find?